
what is google adsence approval total process

 what is google adsence approval total process

1) first you apply for google adsence account with your website or blogger with your original details
2) submit your application in google adsence official website
3) google adsence see your website or blogger content and quality
4) your site have real content and quality adsence approve your blogger or website
5) your site at least have 40quality  posts or 40 quality pages more for approval
6) after approval google adsence give ads to your website or blogger
7) revenue base on ad clicks and impressions
8) suppose your site show 5 ads 1 views equal to  5 impressions
9) google adsence payout the earnings on every month 22 to 28
10) for usa accounts google adsence transfer theair earnings to paypal account
11) for indians accounts earnings transfer to bank accounts directly
12) and ad clicks revenue google adsence pay in dollars and cents
13) each click revenue decided by advertiser

In a nutshell, there are 5 steps to applying and getting approved to the Adsense affiliate program.
Google wants to know that you have an valuable resource!  So, in order to increase your chances of approval, you need to create original, articulate, and useful content!  This should go without saying for any website; however, I can guarantee you that people have applied to Google Adsense with autoblogs, or copied articles from  Then they wonder why they didn’t get approved.
My advice is to have at least 10 well-written articles of 500 words or more each on your site before applying.  In addition, I would have a great “About Page”, “Contact” page, and a “Privacy Policy” page.  The privacy policy needs to include this information supplied by Google here.  You can find a free privacy policy generator that I have used right here.
In addition, you are more likely to get approved if you have a great looking theme or site.  I recommend using a premium theme (if using WordPress) if possible.  You can still use a free theme, but do your best to find one that looks high quality.
Finally, to give your site an extra boost on the “look” score, I recommend having a logo designed.  You can do it yourself, or you can hire someone on if you are cheap (like me).  For $5 you can take a generic theme and make it look much nicer with a custom logo.
Overall, make sure that your site is fully developed with content, logo, layout changes BEFORE you submit the site to Google.
Quick Tip!  Remember, you CANNOT apply to Google Adsense using a site that has ever been used for Google Adsense before.
2. Apply Online

you apply for google adsence right now..  Here you will supply your website URL, Individual name or Business Entity, contact name (you if applying for yourself; could be someone different if you are applying as a business entity), mailing address, phone number, email address, and perhaps one other basic bit of information.  You are not required to submit your TIN or bank account information at this stage yet.  This will happen after you get approved.

Make sure to give accurate phone and physical address information. You will be REQUIRED to verify your phone number and they will mail you a PIN to the address you supplied.  However, this does not occur until step 4.
The online application itself only take a few minutes to fill out.

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