
how to Improve Google Adsense CPC and CTR

1. Website Niche

First thing that you have to do is choose a good niche for your website. Niche related to internet marketing, web development, finance, gaming and health etc are high paying as the CPC for keywords related to these niche’s are quite good. Most of the times, you would not get good CPC in case you decide to go for education or entertainment related niche’s.

It doesn’t matter how much you want to make from Google AdSense, you just have first focus on choosing a website niche that is either ever green or giving you rock solid income opportunities for a long time. Selecting your niche can determine how much money you can generate each and every month from your Google AdSense ads.

    Must Read: Why Choosing a Niche is Important for Profit-Generating Blogs

Please go through the above article for picking up a better niche for your businesses to make more money online each and every month.

2. Create compelling ads that attract visitors to click

Focus on choosing your website visitors over ads. If you focus on your customers needs and wants, you will be able to create better Google AdSense campaigns to make decent passive income from AdSense ads. Use Google adwords keywords suggestion tool to come up with relevant phrases for your ads, focus on how competitive the keywords are and also analyze how much they can generate you for each keyword.

You need to ask yourself few questions before creating any campaign. Here few of them are

    Are these keywords searchable on Google?
    Do people really like to click on these ads without thinking much?
    How much each ad can generate (per click) aka analyze your CPC

Compelling ads always generate more CTR as they don’t give any false hopes to the visitors, and compelling ads always stand out from the competition. While creating ads, don’t imagine you are creating ads to generate more money, instead think from your customers point of view to generate more clicks.

Your headline of the ad, description and URL are the 3 essential ingredients that can make or break your click through rates, so make sure to have

    a powerful headline
    irresistible URL and
    a search engine friendly description

3. Content Quality Really Matters

Quality content is one the primary reasons few websites get more CTR and CPC rates from Google AdSense ads. The websites that generate more income from AdSense focus on creating relevant content instead of writing everything under the sun. If you focus on writing highly relevant and compelling content, you will be benefited in both ways, your readers and search engines love to go through your content.

Content quality really matters when it comes about driving targeted traffic to your website. You should look at producing high quality and relevant contents at regular intervals on your website. On Google, there is one popular saying ‘Content is King’. So if you are able to deliver lots of targeted and engaging content on your website, you can expect good stream of traffic flowing to your website from Google and other search engines.

One thing should keep in mind is that you should write contents around your website niche only. This way, you will be able to convert your website into well themed website for that niche. In case, you start writing about unrelated niche, you will see drop in click through rate you are getting on your Google Adsense Ads. This way you may even lose lots of your existing users as they are visiting your website to see latest contents about that niche only and not about any unrelated niche. Hope you got my point.

    Read: Content Optimization 6 Tips – For Your Website As Well As E-Commerce

4. Create landing pages that mesmerize your visitors

Once the visitor lands on your site for the first time, he will be first noticing your design elements of your websites. If your design is messy and give a spam feel, they will click exit button right away. So don’t create messy design just to generate more sales from your ads, it can kill your conversion rates.

Don’t create false promises on your landing pages and always make sure to deliver what you have promised  on your headlines, or description of the ads. That way you will be able to get more CPC (cost per click) rates from your Google AdSense campaigns.

5. Visitors Location

Visitor’s location also matter when it comes about improving the CRT for Google Adsense Ads on our website. A single click from US location can give you a CPC of $1 to $5 or even more and while the same click from Asian location will give you a CPC of $.01 to $1 only. So you should look at ways to improve traffic from US location on your website. If you are targeting India as the target market, you will see lower amount of money per CPC. But if you are getting majority of traffic on your website from US, you will see much higher cost per click on your Google Adsense ad units.

By following the above mentioned tips, you will be able to improve your Google Adsense CPC and CTR. Have I missed an important tip that could help us increase Google Adsense cost per click or click through rate, please share in the comments section below.

In a nutshell: Improving Google AdSense CPC and CTR is not a hard task, and anyone with basic skills on how to turn visitors into prospects can generate a good average income from PPC ads. Conversion tracking is also a major factor that can decide your CTR rates as you need to focus on getting more click through rates than increasing your ad budget.

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